He is not afraid to get in touch with his feminine side.
He is one with nature!
He is a father of high morals and values!
He is a man of excellent taste and class!
He is a man who knows how to get his head in the game and is a true player!
He is a true fashion icon and is the ultimate male model!
He is a man who is not afraid to let it all hang out! Fan Service, anyone?
Note: What other celebrity will gladly show a picture of himself bare-naked on horse in
broad day light for all to see his glory!!!
It was awful within that 20 mile radius riots happened, children became orphans, birds fell from the sky along with airplanes,etc. To this day, Misha is considered a threat to national security.
And last, but not least he is a man of vision! Just watch this!
Wasn't it just wonderful?! A film of such magnitude deserves every possible film award known to man. He not only wrote it, but he also directed and starred in it. Oh, I know it says he only wrote it and directed it in the credits, but deep down all fans know he was also the leading role. Misha is just far too humble to admit that he is just that good of an actor.
Oh,but alas, my poor fan girl heart must sadly admit that he can never be mine. For he is married to the most womanliest of women, Victoria Vantoch.
She has turned many women into lesbians with that vegetable bouquet.
I can't say I can blame him. Who wouldn't want to marry a woman who wrote a book on having successful threesomes? (I must keep note if I'm ever going to have my way with the Winchester brothers) XD
-Sigh- If I can't have Misha, then I'll have to settle for the next best thing. I know! How about Morgan Freeman taking a bath in a casket!
Note: This has been a response to WeLoveMishaDay.
What I have said on here should not be taken too seriously....mostly. Though, in all honesty Misha is in fact a hilarious man and should be followed on Twitter and many should check out his charitable organization Random Acts as well.
-Horrorwood Doll